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Healthy Malden Turns Focus Onto Malden's Environment

Healthy Malden

Creation of Task Force Starts Coordinated Effort to Improve Malden’s Environmental Health

On Tuesday, May 6th, in Malden High School and all five K-8 schools, presenters gave a presentation on Climate Change to students in grades 6-12, which came on the heels of last week’s Earth Day and several clean-up efforts across the City. What these efforts lacked was a cohesive approach to truly meaningful change regarding the environment on the local, state, national, and global levels. Healthy Malden is looking to change that with the creation of a new Task Force designed to improve the quality of life for Malden’s citizens: an Environmental Task Force.

The proposed Environmental Task Force is looking for volunteers to help define its mission and to develop an action plan for change in our community. Maldonians of all ages are encouraged to join in the task force as anyone can help make their environment healthier. Healthy Malden will then coordinate grant-writing efforts to bring money and resources into the city to accomplish these goals.

To volunteer your time or to find out more, contact Healthy Malden either by calling 781-388-4404 or by e-mailing info@healthymalden.org. First meeting will be scheduled for the end of June to develop the mission and action plan for the upcoming year.
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