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Walk to School Day at The Beebe

Healthy Malden

Healthy Malden Organizes Safe Routes to School Effort

MALDEN—On Wednesday May 6th, under a beautiful May morning, nearly forty Beebe students took part in a local effort to bring the national Safe Routes To School program to Malden to promote active living and healthy lifestyles. At the request of Ward Six School Committee person Stephen Winslow, Healthy Malden coordinated the effort among MassRides, the Mayor’s office, the Malden Public Schools, the Malden Police, and the Beebe School PTO.

“Stephen Winslow has always been a terrific advocate of healthier lifestyles for our children so when he mentioned this event, I knew Healthy Malden could help make it happen,” said Healthy Malden executive director Kevin Duffy, also the Ward Three Malden School Committee person.
Starting at either Amerige Park or Devir Park, parents and students walked to the Beebe courtyard along designated routes. While they walked, the students were given tips and mini-quizzes on being a safe pedestrian. Upon reaching the courtyard, all students who made the half-mile walk received an incentive gift of a Walk to School pencil bag filled with various school supplies and other fun stuff.

“We got off to a great start because of Angela Spadafora and the Beebe PTO, as well as Jennifer McAllister, a parent volunteer who has extensive experience with these types of programs” continued Duffy. “We are encouraging parents to join us once-a-week until the end of school so watch for the posted maps and listen for the Connect-Ed calls!”

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